Trendy print pants are very difficult to wear

Leading Word: Printed red for several seasons. From short skirts, long skirts to jumpsuits, the most fashionable items in this season, printed trousers are absolutely in the top few. Of course, this time it has returned strongly and with a high degree of challenge.

时髦印花裤 很潮很难穿(图1)

In the 90s of last century, printed trousers have become a trend. After the 80s, when they were young, they loved to spend the most favor on florals, but this seems to be as old as the antiques in memory. However, the girls who are shopping recently will surely find that some young brands in Hangzhou suddenly have a lot of such items, such as Me&City and ZARA, and they can find several more.

Big names have always been a popular promoter, and look at their performance in this spring and summer is also quite eye-catching.

时髦印花裤 很潮很难穿(图2)

Givenchy's print makes people feel ambiguous in the fashion, but this is quite difficult. The narrow-fitting trousers and the same-color blouse will look very conspicuous on the street, but once you're not careful, you may be like a flower. The snake twisted in the street. Therefore, when you wear it, you should pay attention to the dew point skin and it will not look like a large color painting.

Compared to printed dresses or skirts, trousers do increase the difficulty in wearing. Even if you just wear a pair of trousers, you may accidentally wear wide-leg printed trousers and wear it in the cafeteria. So if it's too short and thin enough, it's best not to try.

Some big names are very picky people. For example, Dries Van Noten's geometric print is hard to wear, and even the famous model Qin Shupei missed once when he was on the off-sport. However, DKNY is relatively civilian, so try.

时髦印花裤 很潮很难穿(图3)

Balenciaga and Miu Miu's printed pants are very sharp, Balenciaga looks like a very casual nature, but in fact there is an exquisite match, need a certain level to control the proportion.

Foreign street hipsters have also demonstrated how to wear trousers. In addition to the upper body of insurance, black or white, and then mix and match with a few other colors, it is definitely a difficult challenge to hit the color and hit the pattern. For example, the blue floral pattern takes a green checkered pattern. . Some commentators stated that the highest realm of print collocation is to arm the whole body and be beautiful as a tropical fish, but only the flirtatiousness is not vulgar.

With the printed trousers, you've got the most out of the season.